Frázová slovesa 10: MAKE

Vydáno dne 27.03.2006

Vyzkoušejte si, jak znáte frázová slovesa tvořená se slovesem MAKE.

  1. We couldn't make the castle ________ in the fog.

    1. off
    2. out
    3. over
    4. up
  2. The vandals made ________ when they noticed that I had seen them.

    1. away
    2. off
    3. out
    4. up
  3. We often quarrel but we usually make ________ soon afterwards.

    1. away
    2. off
    3. over
    4. up
  4. The successful TV show has made her ________ a superstar.

    1. for
    2. into
    3. of
    4. off
  5. ‘What did you make ________ his lecture? I didn’t understand it at all.'

    1. away with
    2. of
    3. over
    4. up for
  6. His parents decided to make the family business ________ to him.

    1. away
    2. off
    3. over
    4. up
  7. He never admits that something is his fault. He's an expert at making ________ excuses.

    1. for
    2. off
    3. out
    4. up
  8. When I was shopping, a thief made ________ my wallet.

    1. away with
    2. off
    3. up for
    4. up with
  9. When I saw her in town today, she was making ________ the station with a heavy suitcase in her hand.

    1. for
    2. out
    3. up
    4. up to
  10. I don't think that all the money in the world could make ________ the loss of somebody you love.

    1. away with
    2. out
    3. over
    4. up for
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) b, 3) d, 4) b, 5) b, 6) c, 7) d, 8) a, 9) a, 10) d
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