Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
picnic words
noun - roasting meat outdoors; a kind of outdoors party (for friends or family) during which we cook meat over a fire
noun - a large piece of cloth or similar material that you can cover yourself with when you're sleeping or lying down
noun - a paper or plastic container for drinks or liquid, it is shaped like a box
noun - a small dish, we usually drink tea or coffee out of it
noun - a small tool with sharp points, we use it when we eat for putting meat etc. in our mouth
noun - frozen water
noun - a sharp metal object which you can use for cutting things
noun - small wooden sticks with a special substance at the end, used for making a fire
noun - a tool for opening bottles and/or tins etc.
noun, British English - things that are no longer needed and which you usually throw away, e.g. bits of food, old paper, tins etc.
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