Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
noun - a big brown animal that lives in forests and mountains, eats other animals and likes honey
noun - an insect with big colourful wings and a long thin body
noun - a very large bird that can fly and eats small animals, often called 'King of Birds'
noun - a very large grey African or Asian animal with big ears and a long nose (trunk)
noun - a bird that eats little animals, it can be trained by people to hunt with them
noun - a large African animal with a very long neck and legs
noun - a large ape with a strong black body
noun - a large American animal that looks like a cat and its fur has black spots
noun - a large yellow animal of the cat family with black spots
noun - a large animal from Africa or Asia, it looks like a big cat and eats other animals, people say it is the King of animals
noun - a large North American animal that looks like a deer and has large flat antlers on its head
noun - a large black-and-white Chinese bear
noun - a grey bird that we can usually see in towns
noun - a large African animal with thick skin and one or two horns on its nose
noun - a large animal that looks like a cat, it has got yellow fur with black stripes
noun - an animal with short legs, a hard shell on its back and a head that can hide in the shell, it usually lives on land
noun - a large bird that usually eats dead animals
noun - a very large sea animal that looks like a very large fish
noun - a wild animal that looks like a dog, it lives and hunts in a group
noun - an African animal that looks a little like a horse, it is white and has long black stripes
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