Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Irish pubs
noun - a building where you can put or take out money, take a loan etc.
adjective - very pretty
noun - a place in a city where you can take a bus or a coach
noun - the kind of school where you can study after secondary school or high school
noun - a talk, exchanging information
adjective - (about clothes) good looking, fit for formal occasions; (about people) of an attractive appearance
adjective - popular and known to many people
noun - a place where people go when they are very ill or when they are injured
noun - beauty, attraction or magic
noun - a short funny story with a punchline that should make people laugh
noun - a place where a judge and a jury decides about legal cases
adjective - connected with a political party or politicians that want more social change than others
noun - a building or a room where you can read a book or borrow it
adjective - connected with literature and books
adjective - full of life, full of energy, full of enthusiasm
adjective - of a particular place, belonging to or living in a particular place
adjective - new, made at present or recent past, not old-fashioned
adjective - dressing like people dressed in the past, having ideas like people had in the past etc.
noun - a group of people who make laws in a country
adjective - belonging to one person only
noun - a place where you can have a drink
noun - a place where you can take a train
noun - a large stream of water that is flowing across the land into the sea
adjective - of a certain intellectual level; experienced; advanced
noun - a large open space among buildings, several streets usually meet here
adjective - wanting and needing to drink
noun - the important offices of the town, the place where the mayor works
adjective - drawing from or based on old customs, beliefs etc.
verb - to greet somebody in a friendly way and with pleasure
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