Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
dopravní prostředky
noun - the continent where you can find the USA, Canada, Mexico etc.
noun - the continent where you can find China, Japan, a large part of Russia etc.
noun - a vehicle with two wheels without an engine, you move it by moving your legs
noun - a small vehicle that travels across water
noun - a big vehicle with four or six wheels using a road, it can carry many passengers, it stops regularly on its route to let people in and out
noun - a road vehicle with four wheels that can only carry about five people
noun - the continent where you can find the UK, Germany, the Czech Republic etc.
noun - a car driven by a professional driver, it takes you where you want and then you pay the fare
noun - a big vehicle that uses railway tracks, it usually has a locomotive in the front and a few carriages, it can carry passengers or goods
verb - to go on foot
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