
Vydáno dne 24.01.2007

Maturitní otázka na téma Health

UPOZORNĚNÍ: Tento příspěvek je studentskou prací a mohou se v něm objevovat jazykové i faktické chyby.


Jana Maláková

The human body is constantly being attacked by many different kinds of bacteria, microorganisms, and viruses. Most diseases can be prevented or at least controlled.What´s important is healthy nutrition a well-adjusted mind, good sleeping habits, activity in the fresh air and, last but not least, contact with nature.

The human body has a natural defence system against diseases. Various bacteria and microorganisms are dangerous invaders, attempting to weaken and destroy aour body. The human body has the means whereby it is able to destroy some types of bacteria. The most important for the deference of the human body are the white blood corpuscles.

Our contemporary world is bringing new diseases are making their appearence as well. Some people say that diseases are retribution for human sins. Of the gruesome new diseases let´s introduce at least leukemia, AIDS, heart attacks, or the motorious cancer.

Children are vaccinated against some illness. Prevention, hewever is the best medicine. That´s why, even when we´re healthy and nothing is bothering or vexing us, we shouln´t underestimate even a mild cold.

Health is the most important thing in world. We can regenate our health by hardening, practising, sports, eating healthy food, being in the fresh air, sleeping sufficiently, avoiding stress, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.

Prohlašuji, že tento příspěvek je mým vlastním dílem, souhlasím s jeho zveřejněním v původní i pozměněné podobě na webových stránkách

Jana Maláková, 18 let, Solopysky

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