"Are We Different?" by Priscilla Ahn

Vydáno dne 15.02.2007

Další nádherná píseň zpěvačky Priscilly Ahn a cvičení na doplňování chybějících slov do textu. Procvičíte si zde také např. přítomný průběhový čas.

Listen to the song and complete each gap with one word.

Are We Different?

Priscilla Ahn

Come on,
the day is ___________________________(1) .
And we are tired from ___________________________(2)
over and under this town.

Look here,
the fight is ___________________________(3) .
As we near the people are ___________________________(4) .
Oh my, my tired soul

Are we shy?
Are we ___________________________(5) new ground?
Are we high
when we're ___________________________(6) downtown?
Are we different?

Look close,
your face is ___________________________(7) .
Like most it's only ___________________________(8)
from all those tired tears.

Come on,
it's ___________________________(9) better.
Looks like we're in for warm weather
for the next three billion years.


Are we gonna figure this out?
Are we gonna figure this out?


Written and performed by Priscilla Ahn
Visit her website at MySpace.com

Správné odpovědi: 1) ending ; 2) walking ; 3) starting ; 4) parting ; 5) setting ; 6) watching ; 7) changing ; 8) aging / ageing ; 9) getting
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