Extra words: The Amazing Gladiators

Vydáno dne 16.05.2007

V textu o gladiátorech máte za úkol vyhledat nadbytečná slova.

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The Amazing Gladiators

One of the topics in history that has often

| ___________________________(1)

been featured in Hollywood films is shown ancient

| ___________________________(2)

Rome. Specifically, the topic of many of these

| ___________________________(3)

movies is the legendary gladiators. The movie ___________________________(4)
„Gladiator“ as well as older films such like ___________________________(5)
„Spartacus“ all showed up a romanticized view ___________________________(6)
of what these gladiators were and forced to go ___________________________(7)
through and their triumphs. The real story is ___________________________(8)
that far less glamorous, and rarely had endings ___________________________(9)
that were happy.


The word „gladiator“ comes out from the word ___________________________(10)
„gladius“, which Romans means „sword“. Gladiators ___________________________(11)
were known as a swordsmen, and they were ___________________________(12)
professional fighters. They fought hardly against ___________________________(13)
animals, slaves, criminals and to each other. All ___________________________(14)
of these fights were put on for the amusement of ___________________________(15)
the every public and the Emperor of Rome. ___________________________(16)

adapted from an article by Richard Monk.

Správné odpovědi: 1) ok ; 2) shown ; 3) ok ; 4) ok ; 5) such ; 6) up ; 7) and ; 8) ok ; 9) that ; 10) out ; 11) Romans ; 12) a ; 13) hardly ; 14) to ; 15) ok ; 16) every
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