Crime and punishment

Vydáno dne 23.03.2009

Conversational questions for Crime & punishment with sample answers given by the 4th year students at the Business Academy in Vysoké nad Jizerou.

1. Crime - can it be stopped?

2. What leads people to committing crime?

3. Why are more young people getting involved in crime nowadays?

- what are the typical teenager crimes / crime-related issues?

mugging, fighting, underage alcohol drinking, drug abuse, shopliftig, gambling

4. How do drugs and alcohol contribute to increasing crime? Give examples.

5. What can be done to stop crime from increasing?

6. Are prison sentences an effective punishment for criminals? Why?

For some criminals prison is bad - they don't get on with other criminals. Some of them are having a good time - they can watch TV, do sports...
No, community service is better. / Community service is an easy penalty.
Yes, it's right to take their freedom. It's a cruel punishment for a man.

7. Could other forms of punishment work better than prison? If so, what?

Criminals should suffer the same way their victims have.

Community service: we think that it's good because criminals have to do something for society.
Death penalty: we think if somebody kills, he should die, too.

8. What do you expect from the police concerning crime and protection?

What punishment should the following people get?

a) A ten-year-old child who has committed 8 burglaries in six months.

b) A thirteen-year-old girl who has been caught shoplifting. She stole a jumper.

c) A fifteen-year-old boy who went joy riding and killed an innocent pedestrian.

d) An eighteen-year-old boy who mugged an eighty year old woman.

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