Daily English Crumbs (Advanced): Crime Witness

Vydáno dne 17.03.2009

Dnes na programu: Rekonstrukce těžkého zločinu. V hlavní roli: VY!

1/ Listen to the audio. Then listen to it again and write words that come to your mind. Then play the audio again and write the story, using past simple and past continuous tense.

Nahrávku můžete spustit zde:

2/ Then extend the story with more text. There must have been a short dialog between the murderer and the victim. Add it to the text.

3/ Reconstruct the story again, now using indirect speech where the dialog took place.

4/ When the police comes in the end, they need to find witnesses. Create a police record with questions an answers of witnesses included.

5/ If you want, you can rewrite the police record in indirect speech again.

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