Daily English Crumbs (Intermediate): Quotes for Today

Vydáno dne 26.03.2009

Citáty a výroky slavných. Mnohdy kontroverzní. A právě proto inspirativní.

Nostalgia is not what it used to be.
(Signoret Simone)

The only time my education was interrupted was when I was in school.
(George Bernard Shaw)

Never judge a book by its movie.
(J. W. Eagan)

It is true that I was born in Iowa, but I can't speak for my twin sister.
(Abigail Van Buren)

Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people.
(Adrian Mitchell)


Questions and tasks:

Find out more about the authors of these quotes.

How do you understand the Eagan's statement? Make your own explanation.

Have you seen any movie that you found better than the book it had been based on?

Do you like poetry? Do you prefer abstract poetry from more understandable works or the other way round?

Do you think you learned more in the formal education system of your country or in "the school of life"?

Have you ever played truant? (Did you ever play truant?)

Recall and tell a funny/interesting/impressing story from your school years.

When were you born (time, date, day of the week, month, year)?


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