Daily English Crumbs (Intermediate): In the Flesh

Vydáno dne 30.03.2009

Dnes zapojíme smyslové vnímání.

Nebudeme to dlouho protahovat. Chceme-li v angličtině vyjádřit přítomný průběh nějakého smyslového vjemu, použijeme sloveso CAN.

Dnes si to vyzkoušíme:


1/ Read the task and close your eyes.

What can you hear?

Describe what you think is happening. Concentrate both on details and on actions in their complexity.


2/ Plug your ears.

What can you hear (in your head)?


3/ Look around.

What can you see?


4/ Look out of the window.

What can you see?


5/ After you read the following question, close your eyes.

What can you see?


6/ Take a deep breath. What can you smell?


7/ After you read the following task, close your eyes.

Use your hands to recognize objects around you. Name them, describe them, use them in sentences.


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