Daily English Crumbs (Intermediate): Ifs

Vydáno dne 02.04.2009

Víte, co se říká: „Kdyby…“. No, dál to znáte a nebudeme se v tom pitvat. Dnešní cvičení by ale mohlo být docela zábavné, protože několik takových „kdyby“ přináší.

1/ What would you do if you found... (how would you react - words, facial expressions; what would you say; what would you do with the objects)

a toy baby carriage full of ripe apples found near a public sandbox

a wallet with a one-way train ticket to Rome

a rare ancient artefact


2/ What would you do if you were given... (how would you react - words, facial expressions; what would you say; what would you do with the objects)

a book in Arabic with no pictures

a bunjee jumping voucher

a rare exotic flower brought in a wet scarf from an oasis in the middle of a vast desert


3/ Finish these sentences:

If I met a furious tiger escaped from the ZOO, I would...

If there is any chance to take a cosmic trip, I will...


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