Daily English Crumbs (Advanced): Morse Code Mnemonics

Vydáno dne 03.04.2009

How to remember things? There are various aids: the knot in the handkerchief or… mnemonics!

Mnemonics are learning tools which help us remember various things: names, telephone numbers, license plates, vocabulary and phrasal verbs, irregular verbs, etc.

One of the systems to keep in memory is the Morse Code. The goal of this article is not to learn about its history, purpose or use. This information can be easily found across the internet as well as in encyclopedias and other reference sources.

There are many nice mnemonics, partly official or funny, in Czech. However, I didn't like the English mnemonics I had found. That is why I got inspired to make my own English Morse Code mnemonics.

Here it is (it is based on short and long sounds):

Lamanai's Morse Code Mnemonics


Now you have probably guessed what your task is today. Create your own mnemonic system for the Morse Code, keeping the sound patterns as well as the starting letters (otherwise the mnemonics would not work).


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