Grammar Theme Park: Christmas (Upper) B

Vydáno dne 16.12.2010

Obecný test pro pokročilejší angličtináře, kde se všechny otázky týkají Vánoc.

  1. Winter is when we celebrate ________ is my favorite holiday.

    1. Christmas that
    2. Christmas which
    3. Christmas, that
    4. Christmas, which
  2. House-to-house carolling is a ________ tradition.

    1. 600 year old
    2. 600 years old
    3. 600-year-old
    4. 600-years-old
  3. Do you celebrate Christmas? If ________, please tell us why.

    1. don't
    2. no
    3. not
    4. not so
  4. At Christmas people sing Christmas songs, ________ are about the birth of baby Jesus.

    1. many of that
    2. many of them
    3. many of which
    4. that's many
  5. Can you hide the gifts and make sure the kids ________ them?

    1. don't find
    2. not to find
    3. won't find
    4. wouldn't find
  6. Should we tell our children that Santa Claus is just a myth or should we go on ________ them?

    1. conceiving
    2. deceiving
    3. perceiving
    4. receiving
  7. Can you believe that Christmas break actually starts ________ week?

    1. following
    2. in
    3. next
    4. the next
  8. If you've been ________, you won't get anything for Christmas.

    1. bad
    2. nought
    3. worse
    4. wrong
  9. The amusement park had ________ and a real-looking Santa Claus.

    1. alive reindeer
    2. live reindeer
    3. reindeer alive
    4. reindeer live
  10. Do you know which of these reindeer ________? – It's the one with the red nose.

    1. is Rudolph
    2. it is Rudolph
    3. Rudolph is
    4. Rudolph it is
  11. If my dad weren't so fat, he ________ climb down the chimney last night.

    1. could
    2. would be able to
    3. would can
    4. would've been able to
  12. Look at the huge present! ________?

    1. Who is it for
    2. Whom is it
    3. Whom is it for
    4. Whose is it for
  13. Every year my dad gives me socks for Christmas. This year I'd rather ________ me a new car.

    1. give
    2. he gave
    3. him to give
    4. that he gives
  14. I thought I knew what was in the box and I wished it ________ something different.

    1. had been
    2. was
    3. were been
    4. would be
  15. When I was cleaning the kitchen cupboards, I discovered a box of ________ Christmas cookies from last year.

    1. stale
    2. stalled
    3. still
    4. stole
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) c, 3) c, 4) c, 5) a, 6) b, 7) c, 8) a, 9) b, 10) a, 11) d, 12) a, 13) b, 14) b, 15) a
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