LABELS and PACKAGING (photo quiz 1)

Vydáno dne 13.05.2011

Umíte si přeložit nápisy na různých obalech? Otestujte se v našem foto kvízu. K otázkám u deseti obrázků vyberte správnou odpověď. Po vyhodnocení si můžete přečíst ke každé fotografii vysvětlující komentář.

  1. Why were the raspberries chosen?

    1. Because they are flavoured.
    2. Because they are juicy.
    3. Because they are specially selected varieties.
    4. Because they were grown in Britain.
  2. What can you find in this packaging?

    1. Biscuits with two kinds of nuts.
    2. Cakes with pistachios and almonds.
    3. Pistachios and almonds.
    4. Two kinds of nuts.
  3. What does ‘T.G.I. FRIDAY’ stand for?

    1. Go there every Friday.
    2. Go there only on Fridays.
    3. Thank goodness it's Friday.
    4. This is going to be Friday.
  4. What can you find inside this packaging?

    1. A mixture of different vegetables.
    2. Fresh British broccoli.
    3. Frozen British broccoli.
    4. Frozen broccoli and carrots.
  5. What is this product good for?

    1. You can clean your sports accessories.
    2. You can cleanse your body.
    3. You can massage your body after sport.
    4. You can smell it and activate your sensuality.
  6. What does this label say?

    1. The sachet is wrapped.
    2. There are sixty tea bags.
    3. There are ten sachets.
    4. This is black tea with added fruit and herbal flavour.
  7. What can you find inside this jar?

    1. It's not a jar.
    2. Olives with pits.
    3. Olives with stones.
    4. Olives without stones.
  8. What is this sugar mainly used for?

    1. It's good for baking with custard.
    2. It's good for baking.
    3. It's good for preparing vanilla ice cream.
    4. It's good to bake with a vanilla pod.
  9. What can you find in this sauce?

    1. Fish.
    2. Lemons.
    3. Pickles.
    4. Tartare.
  10. What does this product create?

    1. It creates face wash.
    2. It creates foam.
    3. It creates leather.
    4. It creates rich skin.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) a, 3) c, 4) a, 5) b, 6) b, 7) d, 8) b, 9) c, 10) b
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