English Tenses

Vydáno dne 12.01.2006

Otestujte si své znalosti základních anglických časů v úrovni Intermediate (přítomný, předpřítomný, minulý, předminulý a budoucí).

  1. ‘Where’s she from?‘ – 'She ________ from Italy.’

    1. come
    2. comes
    3. coming
    4. is coming
  2. ‘Where is he?’ – ‘He ________ a shower.’

    1. has
    2. has got
    3. have
    4. is having
  3. I think that my English ________ better and better.

    1. gets
    2. getting
    3. has got
    4. is getting
  4. He ________ off his coat as soon as he entered the room.

    1. has taken
    2. takes
    3. took
    4. was taking
  5. Who ________ penicillin? – Fleming.

    1. did invent
    2. has invented
    3. invented
    4. invents
  6. ‘She's not here! Where ________?’ – ‘Shopping, I think.’

    1. did she went
    2. has she been
    3. has she gone
    4. was she
  7. It's the first time ________ a book in English. It's great.

    1. I read
    2. I reading
    3. I'm reading
    4. I've read
  8. I've decided to live without television. ________ TV for two weeks now.

    1. I don't watch
    2. I haven't been watching
    3. I haven't watched
    4. I'm not watching
  9. When I arrived, I discovered that somebody ________ into our house.

    1. brake
    2. broke
    3. had broken
    4. has broken
  10. I met Susan in the street yesterday. She ________ a bag and looked very busy.

    1. carried
    2. had carried
    3. has carried
    4. was carrying
  11. Oh, the film is already on! When ________?

    1. did it start
    2. had it started
    3. has it started
    4. will it start
  12. We ________ for five minutes when the train arrived.

    1. had only been waiting
    2. had only waited
    3. have only waited
    4. were only waiting
  13. I can't help you with your homework on Sunday. ________ to the mountains with my parents. Sorry.

    1. I go
    2. I will go
    3. I'm going
    4. I'm going to go
  14. I can't wait to see the concert! ________ next Sunday at 8 PM.

    1. It starts
    2. It will start
    3. It's going to start
    4. It's starting
  15. Maybe ________ a bit late. The traffic is usually very bad at this time of day.

    1. he won't
    2. he'll be
    3. he's being
    4. he's going to be
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) d, 3) d, 4) c, 5) c, 6) c, 7) d, 8) c, 9) c, 10) d, 11) a, 12) a, 13) c, 14) a, 15) b
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