Questions for Oral Exams: Travelling
Vydáno dne 23.02.2006
Připravte se na ústní zkoušku a vyzkoušejte si odpovědět na
následující otázky týkající se tématu TRAVELLING, HOLIDAYS, TOURISM.
Přečti si následující otázky a zkus na každou otázku odpovědět nahlas tak, jako by to byla odpověď na otázku zkoušejícího u ústní zkoušky z angličtiny. Snaž se, aby odpověď byla co nejdelší, i když se na ni dá pravděpodobně odpovědět i velice stroze, např. ano/ne.
Tip: Pokud máš čas a prostředky, nahraj svoje odpovědi na kazetu/diktafon apod. a potom si tuto nahrávku poslechni. Pravděpodobně sám uslyšíš spoustu chyb, které děláš a budeš si je moci sám opravit.
Travelling, Holidays, Tourism
- Do you often travel?
- How often do you have a holiday abroad?
- Do you prefer holiday abroad or in your country? Why?
- When was the last time you were on holiday? Can you say something about it?
- Do you prefer summer or winter holiday? Why?
- What kind of activities do you enjoy doing when you are on holiday?
- Do you prefer camping or staying in hotels? Why? What are the positives and negatives?
- Have you ever gone camping? What was it like?
- How do you prefer to travel, by car, plane, train, coach etc.? Why?
- What is the holiday of your dreams?
- What is your holiday nightmare?
- What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited? Most exotic?
- - What kind of bad things (accidents, emergencies) can happen on holiday? Has anything like that ever happened to you?
- Have you ever been mugged/robbed on holiday?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling in peak season / out of season?
- What kind of things do you usually take with you when you go on holiday? Why?
- Do you usually take anything to entertain yourself with? (TV, games, books, magazines etc.)
- What kind of things do you usually buy / bring back home with you? (souvenirs etc.)
- What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done on holiday?
- Do you usually get insurance when you go on holiday? Why?
- Do you have to have any extra vaccination when you go on holiday?
- What is the longest journey you have ever made?
- When you were abroad on holiday, what kind of lifestyle did you see there? How different was it from your lifestyle?
- What were your first impressions of the countries you have visited?
- If you've been to more foreign countries, how would you compare them?
- How do you communicate with foreign people when you are abroad? Do you usually try to learn their language? Do you ever have problems with making yourself understood?
- What plans do you have for your next holiday?
- Do you like walking / hiking?
- Do you usually need visa to visit a foreign country? How/where can you get it?
- Have you ever gone hitchhiking? What are the advantages and disadvantages of hitchhiking?
- If someone invited you to go with him/her on a one-year journey around the world, would you go?
- When you travel, do you usually feel homesick?
- Are you afraid of flying?
- How do you think people will travel in the future? What means of transport will they use?
- What do you think about 'a holiday in space'?
- How did people travel in the past? Has tourism always been a popular activity?
- Is there anything you hate about tourists visiting your country?
- What impact does tourism have on a country / region / city?
- What rules do you think tourists should keep, when they are visiting a foreign country?
- Do you like taking photos when oyu are on holiday? What do you usually take pictures of?
- Do you have a lot of photo albums? Do you like going through your / somebody elses's photo albums?
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