Minulá modální slovesa - cvičení 1

Vydáno dne 24.06.2006

Procvičování používání minulých modálních sloves (must have done, should have done apod.) a opisů modálních sloves v minulosti (had to, was allowed to apod.)

Doplňte druhou větu ve dvojici tak, aby její význam byl totožný či velmi podobný významu první věty.
  1. It's possible that people saw him at the crime scene.
    → He ________ at the crime scene.

    1. can't have been seen
    2. might have been seen
    3. must have been seen
    4. should have been seen
  2. It wasn't a good idea to cheat.
    You ________.

    1. might not have cheated
    2. needn't have cheated
    3. shouldn't have cheated
    4. wasn't allowed to cheat
  3. They wanted me to stay at home.
    I ________ at home.

    1. must have stayed
    2. should have stayed
    3. was allowed to stay
    4. was supposed to stay
  4. It was silly of me to believe him.
    I ________ him.

    1. can't have believed
    2. should have believed
    3. shouldn't have believed
    4. wasn't supposed to believe
  5. It was Friday and so I went to the cinema.
    I ________ and so I went to the cinema.

    1. didn't need to study
    2. needn't have studied
    3. shouldn't have studied
    4. was supposed to study
  6. I'm sure that it was the postman.
    It ________ the postman.

    1. can't have been
    2. had to be
    3. might have been
    4. must have been
  7. It was wrong of you not to tell me the truth.
    You ________ me the truth.

    1. didn't need to tell
    2. must have told
    3. needn't have told
    4. should have told
  8. She took her swimsuit but it was cold and rainy all weekend.
    She ________ her swimsuit.

    1. didn't need to take
    2. needn't have taken
    3. shouldn't have taken
    4. wasn't supposed to take
  9. It isn't possible that someone stole your wallet.
    Nobody ________ your wallet.

    1. could have stolen
    2. could steal
    3. was allowed to steal
    4. was supposed to steal
  10. It's probable that Mike forgot my phone number.
    Mike ________ my phone number.

    1. can't have forgotten
    2. may have forgotten
    3. must have forgotten
    4. should have forgotten
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) c, 3) d, 4) c, 5) a, 6) d, 7) d, 8) b, 9) a, 10) b
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