Frázová slovesa 18: PASS

Vydáno dne 29.06.2006

Vyzkoušejte si, jak znáte frázová slovesa tvořená se slovesem PASS.

  1. It was so hot in the room that he passed ________. We had to splash his face with cold water to bring him round.

    1. away
    2. off
    3. out
    4. over
  2. She's very mature. Although she's only fifteen, she can easily pass ________ a nineteen-year-old.

    1. by
    2. for
    3. off
    4. over
  3. The traditions of the tribe were passed ________ from one generation to the next.

    1. by
    2. down
    3. on
    4. over
  4. Could you pass that information ________ to your classmates, please?

    1. around
    2. away
    3. for
    4. on
  5. Her father passed ________ last month. She's still rather sad and depressed and starts crying whenever she thinks of him.

    1. away
    2. by
    3. down
    4. out
  6. Mitch got an essay from the Internet and tried to pass it ________ as his own.

    1. by
    2. off
    3. out
    4. over
  7. Sometimes he just likes to sit on a park bench and watch the people passing ________.

    1. away
    2. by
    3. on
    4. out
  8. I'm sorry, I can't come tonight. I have a bad cold and I don't want to pass it ________ to the kids.

    1. down
    2. on
    3. out
    4. over
  9. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher passed the copies of the poem ________.

    1. around
    2. by
    3. off
    4. over
  10. I suggested something at the meeting but they just passed ________ it.

    1. away
    2. by
    3. off
    4. over
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) b, 3) b, 4) d, 5) a, 6) b, 7) b, 8) b, 9) a, 10) d
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