Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
How to describe a person
adjective - (usually of young women) very thin (caused by not eating because being afraid of getting fat)
adjective - (of hair) reddish brown
adjective - not having hair
noun - the hair that grown on men's face, usually below the mouth and on the cheeks
adjective - very pretty
adjective - light, not dark (hair), having light hair
adjective - wide
noun - the shape and size of a person's body
noun - hair cut short
adjective - full of rolls or curls (usually hair)
adjective - without light and brightness
adjective - made a different colour (usually of hair etc.)
adjective - being of a higher age
adjective - (about clothes) good looking, fit for formal occasions; (about people) of an attractive appearance
adjective - light, not dark
adjective - (about clothes etc.) in a popular style of the particular time
adjective - having to much flesh and being too heavy
noun - a small dark spot on the skin
noun - a thing with two glass lenses which helps you see better or protects your eyes from the sun
adjective - handsome, pretty
noun - it is black or brown or blond, it grows on your head
adjective - covered with hairs
adjective - good-looking and attractive (usually about men)
adjective - quite fat, usually in a pleasant way
adjective - not short, having a great distance from one end to another
adjective - not tall but not short
adjective - not old but not young, in one's forties
noun - the hair that grows on men's upper lip, above the mouth
adjective - having big strong muscles
adjective - tidy, caring about one's appearance, in order
adjective - extremely fat, esp. in an unhealthy way
adjective - not young or new
adjective - dressing like people dressed in the past, having ideas like people had in the past etc.
adjective - fat, heavier than is normal or healthy
adjective - not bright, rather white
adjective - nicely or pleasantly fat
adjective - (usually about women) very good-looking and attractive
adjective - moving away, slowly disappearing (e.g. hair)
adjective - having red hair
adjective - having a round face
noun - a mark that stays on the skin after a wound has healed
adjective - dirty and untidy
adjective - (of a person) looking as if he/she doesn't care about him/herself, wearing torn or dirty clothes etc.
adjective - (about hair) as long as to reach the shoulders
adjective - (about a person) very thin
adjective - thin in an attractive way, not fat
adjective - not round
adjective - short but strong with wide shoulders
adjective - rather fat
adjective - not curled or bent or curved
noun - a picture on the skin that cannot be removed
adjective - having only a short distance between its sides
adjective - fashionable, stylish
adjective - unpleasant to look at, not nice or beautiful
adjective - not attractive or pretty
adjective - curved, not straight but not curly
adjective - not thin or skinny, strong, having muscles and strong body
noun - a line made by folding something; a line on the skin, esp. of older people
adjective - not old, not having lived very long
adjective - looking young
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