Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
A variety of vehicles etc.
noun - a vehicle with two wheels without an engine, you move it by moving your legs
noun - a small vehicle that travels across water
noun - a big vehicle with four or six wheels using a road, it can carry many passengers, it stops regularly on its route to let people in and out
noun - a way of transporting people in a carriage travelling through the air fastened to a cable
noun - a long open boat that is moved by a paddle, used originally by American Indians
noun - a road vehicle with four wheels that can only carry about five people
noun - a bus used for travelling for longer distances
noun - a kind of boat that travels across a channel or a river and carries people, cars, buses etc.
noun - a large animal that people use for riding or pulling heavy things
noun, British English - a machine that can take you from one floor of a building to another
noun, British English - a large car that carries loads rather than passengers
noun - a two-wheel vehicle that has an engine
noun - a means of transport that flies through the air and carries many passengers, it has two wings
noun - a small two-wheel vehicle for children that is pushed by one foot
noun - a large vehicle that travels on water or through space
noun - a vehicle that can travel from earth to space and back and be used again
noun - a boat driven by a steam engine
noun - a vehicle that can travel under the surface of the sea
noun, American English - a kind of train that travels in tunnels under a city and stops at regular intervals for people to get in or out
noun - a big vehicle that uses railway tracks, it usually has a locomotive in the front and a few carriages, it can carry passengers or goods
noun, British English - a kind of train for people that travels through a city and stops at regular intervals to let people in or out
noun - a kind of bicycle with three wheels, used mostly by children
noun, American English - a large road vehicle that is used for carrying goods, a lorry
noun - a medium-sized car that can carry goods or more people than ordinary cars
noun - a sailing boat
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