KET: Listening, sample 1, part 4

Vydáno dne 15.08.2006

Cvičný poslechový test cambridgeské zkoušky KET, část 4.

KET: Listening: Sample 1, Part 4

You will hear a man asking for information about a train.
Listen and complete questions.
You will hear the conversation twice.


To: . . . Newcastle

Day of journey: ___________________________(1)

Train leaves at: ___________________________(2) TTT

Return ticket costs: £ ___________________________(3)

Food on train: Drinks and ___________________________(4)

Address of travel agency: 22 ___________________________(5) Street

Správné odpovědi: 1) Tuesday ; 2) 11.30 / half past eleven ; 3) 40 / 40 pounds ; 4) sandwiches / sandwich ; 5) Mallet

Přepis nahrávky

Woman Hello. Can I help you?
Man Yes, please. I want some information about a train to Newcastle.
Woman Certainly. When are you going to travel? Today?
Man Oh no. On Tuesday. I think there's one at about half past eleven in the morning.
Woman Let me see. Yes, there is, it arrives in Newcastle at half past one.
Man That's fine. How much is a ticket please?
Woman Well, a single is twenty five pounds.
Man I'd like a return, please.
Woman Then that's forty pounds.
Man Right. Can I get a meal on that train, you know, lunch?
Woman Mmm. I'm afraid there isn't a restaurant car on that train, but they sell drinks and sandwiches.
Man That'll be OK. Must I buy my ticket at the station ticket office, or can I get one in the town centre?
Woman You can buy one at the Northern Travel Agency at 22 Mallet Street.
Man 22 what street?
Woman Mallet. M A double L E T.
Man I'll do that then. Thank you very much.
Woman Not at all. Goodbye.

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