KET: Reading and Writing, sample 1, part 2

Vydáno dne 16.08.2006

Cvičný test cambridgeské zkoušky KET, test 1, část 2.

KET: Reading and Writing, sample 1, part 2

campRead the sentences about camping. Choose the best word for each gap.

Example: 0) Adrian and Martin . . . . . . . . . . school last week.

a) studied
b) went
c) finished

The correct answer is C.

  1. They ________ to go camping on their holiday.

    1. decided
    2. felt
    3. thought
  2. They wanted to ________ somewhere near the sea.

    1. put
    2. stand
    3. stay
  3. It ________ three hours to drive to the camp-site.

    1. got
    2. had
    3. took
  4. They put their tent in a ________ of the field.

    1. back
    2. centre
    3. corner
  5. They ________ some postcards to their friends.

    1. bought
    2. chose
    3. sent
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) c, 3) c, 4) c, 5) c
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