Minulé časy (Geoffrey Chaucer)

Vydáno dne 13.10.2006

Do úryvku z povídky G. Chaucera budete mít za úkol doplnit slovesa ve správném tvaru.

Přečtěte si následující text a doplňte správný tvar sloves v závorce. Používejte minulé a předminulé časy, popř. budoucnost v minulosti.

knightThe lonely knight ___________________________(1) (ride) through the forest, thinking about the question which the Queen ___________________________(2) (ask) him. If he ___________________________(3) (not / find) the aswer, he ___________________________(4) (die). Suddenly, he ___________________________(5) (see) twenty-four beautiful young women. They ___________________________(6) (dance) among the trees. He ___________________________(7) (want) to talk to them, but they ___________________________(8) (disappear) when he ___________________________(9) (come) near. Only an old, ugly woman ___________________________(10) (sit) in the grass where the beautiful girls ___________________________(11) (dance) just a moment before. Perhaps she ___________________________(12) (can) give him the answer!

Správné odpovědi: 1) was riding ; 2) had asked ; 3) didn't find / did not find ; 4) would die ; 5) saw ; 6) were dancing ; 7) wanted ; 8) disappeared / had disappeared ; 9) came / was coming ; 10) was sitting ; 11) had been dancing ; 12) could
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