Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Grand prix
noun - a round object, a sphere
verb - to make a vehicle go slower or come to a stop
noun - something that leads you to the right answer
noun - a situation that was not expected but has to be dealt with immediately
adjective - accurate, completely correct
noun - a burning pile of wood etc, a burning house etc.
noun - a device that can be used to put out a fire
noun - material that is burned in order to produce heat or to make a machine work
noun - a hard and strong covering for the head, usually made of metal or strong plastic
verb - to have something no more; to put something somewhere where you can't find it
noun - a competition whose winner is the fastest car
noun - a place where cars in motor racing can go for minor repairs etc. and then continue the race
noun - a machine used to move a liquid or gas
noun - a car that is used in motor racing
noun - a special road used for racing
noun - a round object that turns to let a vehicle, such as a car, move forward
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