Intermediate Phrasal Verbs 1

Vydáno dne 20.01.2007

Test znalostí frázových sloves.

  1. My grandfather used to make ________ wonderful stories. We loved them!

    1. for
    2. off
    3. out
    4. up
  2. I need a place to stay. Can you put me ________ until tomorrow?

    1. away
    2. off
    3. out
    4. up
  3. The plane took ________ on time, we didn't have to wait.

    1. down
    2. in
    3. off
    4. up
  4. The secretary put me ________ to the principal.

    1. away
    2. off
    3. through
    4. up
  5. You should have tried the shoes ________ before you bought them!

    1. off
    2. on
    3. out
    4. up
  6. He decided to give ________ his job and start his own business.

    1. away
    2. off
    3. out
    4. up
  7. We thought that victory would be easy, but we didn't manage to bring it ________.

    1. in
    2. off
    3. round
    4. up
  8. My computer stopped working properly, so I've asked my friend to look ________ and find what the problem is.

    1. for it
    2. into it
    3. it out
    4. it up
  9. Guess who turned ________ at the party! Marty. He had just returned from holiday.

    1. in
    2. off
    3. out
    4. up
  10. The snow storm brought ________ many power cuts.

    1. about
    2. off
    3. out
    4. round
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) d, 3) c, 4) c, 5) b, 6) d, 7) b, 8) b, 9) d, 10) a
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