Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z norské pohádky The Billy Goats Gruff
noun - a male goat
verb - to make a high squeaking noise
verb - to walk across something, e.g. street etc.
verb - damage or destroy by pressing heavily
noun - the eye
verb - to eat something quickly without chewing it
verb - to make a deep sound showing your pain or sadness
noun - the side of a hill
adjective - (of one's voice) deep and harsh
noun - one of the two hard pointed things that grow on the head of some animals, e.g. a bull etc.
verb - to push something with a long thin thing such as a finger etc.
noun - a long metal instrument used to move the coal or wood in a fire (to make it burn better)
noun - a deep narrow valley, usually formed by a river etc.
verb - to make a deep loud sound, like a lion
adverb - almost not
noun - a long straight stick with a sharp point at one end which is used as a weapon
noun - a narrow natural flow of water, a narrow river
adjective - very small
verb - to throw; to throw something carelessly
verb - to walk with heavy steps
verb, literary - to walk with quick short steps
noun - (Harry Potter) a large creature that Harry and Ron had to fight in their first year at Hogwarts
adjective - unpleasant to look at, not nice or beautiful
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