Miscellaneous Vocabulary Test 3

Vydáno dne 08.05.2008

Test zaměřený na obecnou znalost slovní zásoby, kolokací apod. středně pokročilých angličtinářů.

  1. I decided to make ________ by starting my own business. However, I went bankrupt a few years later.

    1. a contribution
    2. a fortune
    3. a fuss
    4. an encounter
  2. In the valley stood a ________ building.

    1. current
    2. nearby
    3. solitary
    4. stuck
  3. He whistled ________ as he was walking along the road.

    1. happily
    2. hardly
    3. reluctantly
    4. restlessly
  4. There was too much ________ among the parents about the new school policy.

    1. appeal
    2. departure
    3. discontent
    4. vigour
  5. What are you going to do? You should ________ a decision.

    1. make
    2. make out
    3. make over
    4. make up
  6. The horse drank from a narrow ________.

    1. hedge
    2. outback
    3. stream
    4. tin shed
  7. The slope was too ________ for me. It was my first day skiing, you see.

    1. flat
    2. longing
    3. steep
    4. weak
  8. This is my first attempt ________ a web blog, so it's not very good.

    1. at
    2. of
    3. on
    4. to
  9. Joan can't call Rick ________ she has lost his phone number.

    1. as
    2. where
    3. while
    4. why
  10. My father took ________ in an expedition to the Himalayas.

    1. part
    2. pity
    3. place
    4. up
  11. Everybody liked Jim when he started to work there. He was young and full of ________.

    1. belongings
    2. enthusiasm
    3. indifference
    4. struggle
  12. The trees ________ in the strong wind.

    1. bent down
    2. made over
    3. settled down
    4. turned over
  13. Some ________ are poisonous.

    1. dogs
    2. organisations
    3. spiders
    4. sports
  14. He was ________ when he finally arrived home. It was a very tiring journey.

    1. blessed
    2. eager
    3. exhausted
    4. uneasy
  15. She's very ________. She can go on and on about anything.

    1. aboriginal
    2. calm
    3. shy
    4. talkative
  16. I got ________ to the long working hours quickly.

    1. away
    2. rid
    3. stuck
    4. used
  17. My friend is somebody I can always ________ on.

    1. deny
    2. realise
    3. rely
    4. reply
  18. Shall we take a bus or go ________ foot?

    1. a
    2. at
    3. on
    4. with
  19. I was ________ moved by the movie. I almost cried at the end.

    1. deeply
    2. hardly
    3. highly
    4. widely
  20. Have you got a first aid ________ in your bathroom?

    1. kid
    2. kit
    3. pit
    4. tip
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) c, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) c, 8) a, 9) a, 10) a, 11) b, 12) a, 13) c, 14) c, 15) d, 16) d, 17) c, 18) c, 19) a, 20) b
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