Extra words: The Grand Canyon

Vydáno dne 07.06.2007

V textu o americkém národním parku Grand Canyon máte za úkol vyhledat nadbytečná slova.

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The Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon National Park is located in the

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northwestern Arizona about 75 miles north of the

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cities of Flagstaff and Williams. The park that covers

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well over one million acres and is more than twice of

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the size of Great Smoky Mountain National Park.

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The Canyon, cut by the raging of Colorado River, is

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immense in size. It is 277 square miles long, 6,000

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feet deep at its deepest point and 15 miles at its


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If you would have seen pictures of the canyon and

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have ever dreamed of visiting to it, you will be

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shocked when you first lay the eyes upon it. Grand

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Canyon is very immense and it is like nothing you

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have ever seen. This canyon which is a gift that the

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good Lord has given us and it is humbling to stand

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on its rim and have experience its magnificence. ___________________________(15)

adapted from an article by Alan LeStourgeon.

Správné odpovědi: 1) the ; 2) ok ; 3) that ; 4) of ; 5) ok ; 6) of ; 7) square ; 8) ok ; 9) would ; 10) to ; 11) the ; 12) very ; 13) which ; 14) ok ; 15) have
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