Quiz: Sylva Geffroy

Vydáno dne 11.06.2005

Příspěvek do soutěže ‚Create Your Own Grammar Quiz‘.

Tyto testy byly vytvořeny studenty angličiny pro soutěž 'Create Your Own Grammar Quiz', nezaručujeme jejich jazykovou ani obsahovou správnost.

Please, could you explain the problem again ? I'm a bit _____
a bad egg!

"A bad egg" je neduveryhodny clovek.

long in the tooth!

"Long in the tooth" je clovek prilis stary, aby neco (u)delal!

quick temper!

Ten kdo je "quick temper" se snadno rozzlobi, rozcili.

slow on the uptake!

Ten kdo je "slow on the uptake" chape pomalu .

We can't give you exact time of the meeting yet because the schedule is still _____.
up for grabs.

"Up for grabs", znamena, ze je neco k dispozoci a da se to vyuzit, "shrabnout", vzit, vyhrat.... Napr. Five scholarships are up for grabs.

up in the air.

Kdyz je neco napr. plan "up in the air", tak to jeste nebylo rozhodnuto, naplanovano.

up the creek.

"Up the creek" nebo "up the creek without a paddle" znamena, ze je nekdo v nesnazich, ma problem.

up the wall.

Kdyz nekdo "goes up the wall", tak se moc (roz)zlobi.

I started working as a teacher but I quickely realized that I wasn't _____
bald as a coot.

"To be bald as a coot" znamena "plesaty jako koleno".

cut out for it.

Kdyz je neco "cut out for it" znamena to, ze to pro me nebylo, nebavilo me to, ze jsem se k tomu nehodil.

eager beaver.

"An eager beaver" je osoba, ktera hodne pracuje, je do prace jako das.

in stitches.

"To be in stitches" znamena mit zachvat smichu..."The joke was so funny, everyone was in stitches."

Jan was very turbulent last year at school. Now he keeps _____
his feet clean.

Bohuzel toto neni zadny idiom.

his hands clean.

Bohuzel toto neni zadny idiom.

his head clean.

'To keep head clean" znamana zachovat cistou hlavu, ale vyraz se pouziva v nejake kriticke situaci.

his nose clean.

"To keep one's nose clean" znamena, ze dotycna osoba se chova vzorne a vyhyba se problemum.

Doctors found out he had a big brain tumor, they removed it _____ and so saved his life.
at the eleventh hour

Jestlize se neco stane "at the eleventh hour", stane se to na posledni chvili. Takzvane "za pet minut dvanact".

by hook or by crook

Udelat neco "by hook or by crook" znamena udelat to za kazdou cenu.

five minutes before twelve

Doslovny preklad ceskeho za pet minut dvanact, v anglictine ve vyznamu "na posledni chvili" bohuzel neexistuje.

once in a blue moon

Stane li se neco "once in a blue moon", stane se to vzacne, zridkakdy.

When Sarah first tried skating, she took to it _____
like a beached whale.

Kdys se velryba ocitne na plazi, tak nemuze zpatky do more. Pokud nekdo tedy uvazl jako "a beached whale ", tak se nemuze odnekud hnout.

like a duck to water.

"To take to something like a duck to water" znamena, ze dotycna osoba dela neco snadno a prirozene.

like a fish out of water.

Kdyz se nekdo citi v urcite situaci jako "fish out of water", tak je mu trapne, neprijemne.

like a hawk.

Divat se "like a hawk" znamena jako ostriz, tedy velmi pozorne.

Our neighbours was so noisy last night, I didn't _____
get a wink of sleep!

Kdyz nekdo "doesn't get a wink of sleep", tak nemuze spat. Nezamhouri oko.

have a leg to stand on!

"Not have a leg to stand on" znamena, ze osoba, ktera neco rika, nemuze dokazat, ze to co rika, je pravda.

pull any punches!

"Not to pull any punches" - mluvit bez obalu.

turn a hair!

"Not turn a hair" znamena neukazat zadne emoce v situaci, ve ktere je to ocekavano.

She really _____ when she was talking about her wedding - Tom hadn't been invited!
put a spoke in his wheel

"To put a spoke in someone's wheel" znamena "hazet klacky pod nohy", cili branit nekomu aby uspel.

put her feet up

" To put one's feet up" znamena uvolnit se, "dat si nohy na stul".

put her foot in her mouth

"put one's foot in one's mouth" znamena, ze nekdo udelal nebo rekl neco nevhodneho, urazliveho nebo neco, co uvedlo nekoho do rozpaku.

put her hand on her heart

Kdyz nekdo "put one's hand on one's heart", tak si je jisty, ze je neco pravda. Da za to ruku do ohne.

Our agent promised _____ developments in the negotiations.
to get the hang of

"To get the hang of something" pochopit, jak se neco dela.

to get to the bottom of

"To get to the bottom of something" objevit tajmestvi o necem.

to harp on about

"To harp on about something" znamena neustale se snazit upotat pozornost.

to keep us posted on

Kdyz nekdo pozada "to keep someone posted" znamena, ze chce mit aktualni informace o vyvoji nejake situace.

Ann and Jack told me to join them yesterday evening but I didn't want to _____
to be a wallflower.

"To be a wallflower " znamena zustat na ocet, nebyt vyzvan k tanci.

to keep a stiff upper lip.

Ten kdo "keep a stiff upper lip", ten skryva svoje emoce.

to play gooseberry.

Kdyz nekdo "play gooseberry" tak "dela krena", cili jde nekam s parem lidi, kteri spolu maji pomer.

to wriggle like a worm.

"To wriggle like a worm" znamena kroutit se jako cerv tzn. hodne.

Nová veta _____

to be a wallflower.

to keep a stiff upper lip.

Nová veta _____

to be a wallflower.

to keep a stiff upper lip.

Nová veta _____

to be a wallflower.

to keep a stiff upper lip.

Nová veta _____

to be a wallflower.

to keep a stiff upper lip.

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