Quiz: New York City

Vydáno dne 22.09.2007

Kvíz, ve kterém si otestujete své znalosti týkající se New Yorku.

  1. New York City is the capital of ________.

    1. the state of New Jersey
    2. the state of New York
    3. the USA
    4. x – none of the above
  2. The population of the urban area of New York City is almost ________.

    1. 11 million
    2. 19 million
    3. 26 million
    4. 6 million
  3. Which of the following is not one of the five boroughs of New York:

    1. Brooklyn
    2. Queens
    3. Rhode Island
    4. the Bronx
  4. The first European settlement in Manhattan was ________.

    1. British
    2. Dutch
    3. French
    4. Spanish
  5. Which of these is not a nickname for New York City:

    1. Gotham
    2. The Big Apple
    3. The City that Never Sleeps
    4. The Cradle of Liberty
  6. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the ________.

    1. British
    2. Dutch
    3. French
    4. Indians
  7. Many people go to ________ on New Year's Eve.

    1. Central Park
    2. Liberty Island
    3. Madison Square Gardens
    4. Times Square
  8. ________ is known as a major black cultural and business center.

    1. Broadway
    2. Greenwich Village
    3. Harlem
    4. SoHo
  9. Wall Street got its name because ________.

    1. there are buildings with high walls
    2. there is a wall with the names of people who died in the war in Vietnam
    3. there was once a wall to protect the settlement against attacks of Indians
    4. Waal is a Dutch word for ‘money’
  10. The place where the World Trade Center used to stand is now sometimes called ________.

    1. Area 51
    2. Flushing Meadows
    3. Ground Zero
    4. Murray Hill
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) b, 3) c, 4) b, 5) d, 6) c, 7) d, 8) c, 9) c, 10) c
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