Jazyková terminologie 1

Vydáno dne 10.10.2007

Otestujte si svoji znalost slovíček popisujících gramatiku.

  1. There were fewer animals in the woods now and farmers had been complaining about stolen chickens and lambs.

    The underlined verb form is called the ________.

    1. past continuous
    2. past perfect
    3. past perfect continuous
    4. present perfect
  2. At dinner that night Van Cheele was very silent.

    The underlined word is ________.

    1. a determiner
    2. a verb
    3. an adjective
    4. an adverb
  3. I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

    The underlined word is ________.

    1. a conjunction
    2. a particle
    3. a preposition
    4. an article
  4. No one ever heard of the two boys again.

    The subject of this sentence is ________.

    1. ever
    2. heard
    3. no one
    4. the two boys
  5. Going to work, he noticed that somebody had sprayed some graffitti on the wall of his house.

    Which of the following words is a past participle?

    1. going
    2. had
    3. noticed
    4. sprayed
  6. I had a shower and went to bed.

    The underlined word is ________ article.

    1. a definite
    2. a newspaper
    3. a zero
    4. an indefinite
  7. The book was long, longer than the previous one. Maybe it was the longest book I've ever read.

    Which of the following is a superlative?

    1. long
    2. longer
    3. longest
    4. none of the above
  8. Mr. Richards was arrested last night.

    This is ________ sentence.

    1. a declarative
    2. an exclamatory
    3. an imperative
    4. an interrogative
  9. “Do you remember the time when we fell in love?”

    The underlined clause is ________ .

    1. a conditional clause
    2. a nominal clause
    3. a relative clause
    4. a time clause
  10. Matt usually gets A's at school, because he's hard-working. Maybe I should try harder too!

    Which of the following punctuation marks can't be found in the text?

    1. colon
    2. comma
    3. exclamation mark
    4. hyphen
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) d, 3) c, 4) c, 5) d, 6) d, 7) c, 8) a, 9) c, 10) a
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