Miscellaneous Grammar and Vocabulary test

Vydáno dne 14.10.2007

Krátký test zaměřený na různé gramatické jevy, slovní zásobu a kolokace.

  1. ________ half of the students in our class have a driving license.

    1. Alike
    2. More of
    3. Nearly
    4. Over the
  2. It has been ________ that the world's population will double by 2050.

    1. approached
    2. predicted
    3. rehearsed
    4. relieved
  3. People use ________ mail more often today than in the past.

    1. electric
    2. electrical
    3. electron
    4. electronic
  4. You should take the ________ to learn at least 10 new words every day.

    1. difficulty
    2. effort
    3. problem
    4. trouble
  5. He didn't ________ a good impression and the interview didn't go well.

    1. have
    2. make
    3. show
    4. take
  6. She put salt in her coffee by ________.

    1. confusion
    2. error
    3. fault
    4. mistake
  7. She looked up with a horrified ________ on her face.

    1. compression
    2. depression
    3. expression
    4. impression
  8. I took some aspirin, but it had no ________. The headache didn't go away.

    1. affect
    2. effect
    3. event
    4. results
  9. I felt ________ when everyone at the event but me recognized the famous football icon David Beckham.

    1. cautious
    2. relieved
    3. ridiculous
    4. sensible
  10. “Well, it was nice seeing you again. Keep ________ touch, will you?”

    1. a
    2. in
    3. out
    4. the
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) b, 3) d, 4) d, 5) b, 6) d, 7) c, 8) b, 9) c, 10) b
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