Science and Technology vocabulary test

Vydáno dne 24.10.2007

Test znalosti slovíček spojených s vědou a technikou.

  1. My portable DVD player ________ on batteries so I can watch films anywhere I want.

    1. has
    2. makes
    3. plays
    4. runs
  2. The website offers savings of up to 30% on electrical ________ including televisions, DVD players, camcorders etc.

    1. amplifiers
    2. appliances
    3. applicants
    4. applications
  3. We've only had the washing machine for a month and it has already broken ________.

    1. down
    2. in
    3. off
    4. up
  4. Do you know who ________ the telephone? – Yes, it was Alexander Graham Bell.

    1. discovered
    2. invented
    3. made up
    4. thought out
  5. You can get original ________ parts for all kinds of mobile phones at our shop.

    1. emergency
    2. replacing
    3. reserve
    4. spare
  6. If you want to find something on the Internet, you need to use a search ________, such as Google or Yahoo.

    1. device
    2. engine
    3. machine
    4. motor
  7. There wasn't a ________ to plug in an external microphone.

    1. drawer
    2. driver
    3. socket
    4. switch
  8. Traffic lights weren't working because of ________ cuts, causing traffic jams in many places.

    1. current
    2. electric
    3. power
    4. voltage
  9. After pressing the R button, you will hear a dial tone in the ________.

    1. receipt
    2. receiver
    3. reception
    4. receptor
  10. The coffee machine downstairs is out of ________ again. We should call someone to fix it.

    1. business
    2. order
    3. service
    4. stock
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) b, 3) a, 4) b, 5) d, 6) b, 7) c, 8) c, 9) b, 10) b
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