Food vocabulary test (verze B)

Vydáno dne 25.01.2008

Test znalosti slovíček spojených s jídlem, vařením, stolováním apod.

  1. The soup was delicious, but the bread was ________.

    1. stale
    2. stall
    3. still
    4. stole
  2. I bought a packet of ________ coffee.

    1. grated
    2. ground
    3. mulled
    4. powdered
  3. He loves eating peanut butter and jam right out of the ________.

    1. jar
    2. jug
    3. kettle
    4. mug
  4. Before children start school, they need to learn to eat with a knife and ________, hold a pen or tie up their shoelaces.

    1. fork
    2. pincer
    3. spoon
    4. tin
  5. He slipped on a banana ________ and fell. It was like an old slapstick movie.

    1. core
    2. peel
    3. rind
    4. wrap
  6. He ate the whole ________ of grapes by himself.

    1. bunch
    2. loaf
    3. pad
    4. pick
  7. I was hungry and realized that I still had last night's ________ in the fridge.

    1. leftovers
    2. remains
    3. rests
    4. unfinished
  8. My kids love ________ potatoes and gravy.

    1. dashed
    2. flushed
    3. mashed
    4. smashed
  9. My mom doesn't have a ________, although I think she really could use one.

    1. cookbook
    2. cooker's book
    3. cookerbook
    4. cooking book
  10. I liked the tea but the cup was a little dented and the ________ dirty.

    1. saucepan
    2. saucer
    3. undercup
    4. underplate
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) b, 3) a, 4) a, 5) b, 6) a, 7) a, 8) c, 9) a, 10) b

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Okruhy slovní zásoby: Food Vocabulary 2

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