Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku na Help for English
verb - to connect something with something else (in your mind)
noun - a kind of a hat, especially a woman's hat
noun - a very small loaf of bread or a kind of bread roll
noun - sweets
noun - a small black dried grape, which is often used in cakes
noun - abstaining from food (esp. for religious or medical reasons)
verb - to make somebody terrified or scared
noun - the moon when we can see it as a complete circle
noun - a female god
noun - one half of a planet or a ball
adjective - having an empty space inside, not solid inside
noun - a company that produces something in large quantities
noun - an event in which people march through the streets with musicians, dancers, etc, it is a part of some celebrations
verb - to act, play music, sing or dance in front of people
adjective - connected with belief in a god, believing in a god (or gods)
noun - a strip of cloth or other material worn around the waist
noun - a part of a plant with a strong taste and/or aroma that is used to give flavour to food
noun - a being that does not have a physical body, especially the soul of a person after they die
noun - a long strip of cloth used for decoration
verb - to manage to do something you want, to manage to achieve something
noun - an idea that repeatedly appears in a literary work, a motif
noun - a person who studies theology
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