Obecný test (elementary) 10

Vydáno dne 17.07.2008

Obecný test pro úroveň Elementary (pokročilí začátečníci) obsahující 20 otázek zaměřených na gramatiku a slovní zásobu.

  1. There was ________ man on the bench.

    1. a sleeping
    2. an asleep
    3. sleeping
    4. slept
  2. The car was very small but I saw six people get ________ it.

    1. from
    2. off
    3. out of
    4. outside off
  3. ________ do you start work, Janice?

    1. At which time
    2. What time
    3. When time
    4. Which time
  4. It's very ________ today. Let's go swimming.

    1. free
    2. heat
    3. hot
    4. worm
  5. Jesus washed the ________ of his disciples.

    1. feet
    2. feets
    3. leg
    4. legs
  6. It's dark in here. ________ on the light, please.

    1. Get
    2. Press
    3. Take
    4. Turn
  7. Do you like beer? – ________

    1. No, I don't like.
    2. No, I prefer wine.
    3. Yes, I am.
    4. Yes, please.
  8. They were talking about you and ________.

    1. I
    2. me
    3. mine
    4. my
  9. Someone robbed the bank in our street. I saw it ________ TV.

    1. in
    2. in the
    3. on
    4. on the
  10. You can't win if you ________ play.

    1. didn't
    2. don't
    3. want
    4. wouldn't
  11. Nobody ________ for me at the station when I arrived.

    1. have waited
    2. waited
    3. waiting
    4. was waiting
  12. How old is your son? – ________

    1. He's five years.
    2. He's five.
    3. He's got five years.
    4. He's old five.
  13. My wife is keen ________ belly dancing.

    1. about
    2. for
    3. on
    4. to
  14. ________ – She's a secretary.

    1. What does she do?
    2. What is she?
    3. What job is her?
    4. Which is her work?
  15. You should go to the dentist twice ________ year.

    1. a
    2. an
    3. in
    4. times
  16. I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you ________ it?

    1. explain me
    2. repeat
    3. revise
    4. say again
  17. She'd like ________ to the USA.

    1. move
    2. moved
    3. moving
    4. to move
  18. In our country you ________ vote until you're 18.

    1. can
    2. can't
    3. may
    4. needn't
  19. Where's ________ book I lent you? I need it back.

    1. ---
    2. a
    3. an
    4. the
  20. The Lord of the Rings was first published ________ 1954.

    1. at
    2. in
    3. of
    4. on
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) c, 3) b, 4) c, 5) a, 6) d, 7) b, 8) b, 9) c, 10) b, 11) d, 12) b, 13) c, 14) a, 15) a, 16) b, 17) d, 18) b, 19) d, 20) b
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