Samhain (Halloween)

Vydáno dne 25.10.2008

Halloween is a holiday celebrated mainly in the USA, Canada and the British Isles on the night of 31 October. It was originally a Celtic pagan festival (called SAMHAIN [so:in]) and means November in Celtic language.

The Celts divided the year into two seasons, the light and the dark. November was the beginning of the dark half of the year. Typical Samhain rituals began at dusk on October 31 and continued for three days. In most villages there were large feasts followed by bonfires. The practical reason for the feasting was that Samhain was one of the last ocassions to eat a lot before winter came.

Halloween is associated with ghosts and monsters because ancient Celts believed that at this time the spirits of the dead could come back and walk among the living.



Here are several Halloween superstitions. Take a guess which "omens" and their meanings go together.

1. To see a black cat means ________________________________ (1) .

2. To see a white cat means ________________________________ (2) .

3. To see a spider means ________________________________ (3) .

4. To see a bat means ________________________________ (4) .

5. To see an owl means ________________________________ (5) .

6. If the flame of a candle goes out, it means ________________________________ (6) .

    1. a) a dead relative has come to see you
    2. b) a death omen
    3. c) bad luck
    4. d) good luck
    5. e) it will take your soul away
    6. f) you are in the company of a ghost
    1. a) a dead relative has come to see you
    2. b) a death omen
    3. c) bad luck
    4. d) good luck
    5. e) it will take your soul away
    6. f) you are in the company of a ghost
    1. a) a dead relative has come to see you
    2. b) a death omen
    3. c) bad luck
    4. d) good luck
    5. e) it will take your soul away
    6. f) you are in the company of a ghost
    1. a) a dead relative has come to see you
    2. b) a death omen
    3. c) bad luck
    4. d) good luck
    5. e) it will take your soul away
    6. f) you are in the company of a ghost
    1. a) a dead relative has come to see you
    2. b) a death omen
    3. c) bad luck
    4. d) good luck
    5. e) it will take your soul away
    6. f) you are in the company of a ghost
    1. a) a dead relative has come to see you
    2. b) a death omen
    3. c) bad luck
    4. d) good luck
    5. e) it will take your soul away
    6. f) you are in the company of a ghost
Správné odpovědi: 1) good luck , 2) bad luck , 3) a dead relative has come to see you , 4) a death omen , 5) it will take your soul away , 6) you are in the company of a ghost
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