Test: prefixes (předpony) 1

Vydáno dne 04.11.2008

V tomto testu si procvičíte znalost anglických předpon.

Klikejte (vícekrát) na šedé políčko na začátku slova, dokud se neobjeví vámi požadovaná předpona. U každého slova máte tři možnosti.

1. I __(1) heard two people on the bus and they were talking about the FCE exam.
2. Don't say such things to him. It's very __(2) polite.
3. How can you do that? It's __(3) legal!
4. You don't have to wear a tie. It's just an __(4) formal meeting.
5. I got really angry with my __(5) responsible colleague again yesterday.
6. The sun __(6) appeared behind a cloud and it got quite dark.
7. I'm sorry. I must have __(7) heard the question.
8. The main character in the movie is believed to have __(8) natural powers.
9. The Giant Panda is an __(9) dangered species.
10. You should know by now that the opposite of the word ‚proper‘ is ‚__(10) proper‘.


Správné odpovědi: 1) over ; 2) im ; 3) il ; 4) in ; 5) ir ; 6) dis ; 7) mis ; 8) super ; 9) en ; 10) im
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