Vydáno dne 13.11.2008
Třetí test, ve kterém si procvičíte znalost anglických předpon.
Klikejte (vícekrát) na šedé políčko na začátku slova, dokud se neobjeví vámi požadovaná předpona. U každého slova máte tři možnosti.
1. He said what? Well, he is really __(1)
2. His __(2)
professional behaviour at work really drives me crazy.
3. You shouldn't tell her. It would be very __(3)
4. I wouldn't say he is messy. He is just __(4)
5. Wait a minute. I think the shop assistant's just __(5)
charged me.
6. If you __(6)
obey my orders one more time, you will be dismissed.
7. It's a waste of time. What you're doing is really __(7)
8. Have you been __(8)
honest with us the whole time?
9. I need to __(9)
new my membership.
10. The meat is quite tough. I must've __(10)
cooked it. Sorry.