"American Dirt" by Matthew Ryan

Vydáno dne 02.02.2009

Zajímavá píseň „American Dirt“ v podání amerického interpreta Matthew Ryana. Do písně při poslechu doplníte chybějící slova a na závěr si budete moci zkusit přeložit celý text a svůj překlad porovnat s naším.

Listen to the song and complete each gap with one word.

Jak na to?

Chcete-li doplnit co nejvíce správných slov, budete potřebovat následující:

American Dirt

by Matthew Ryan

Honey, I swear it's not my ___________________________(1)
They ___________________________(2) us down, the big door was locked
The bigger the ___________________________(3)
The bigger the trap
The bigger the ___________________________(4) in disappointment

I crossed my ___________________________(5) 'til they were broke
I threw a ___________________________(6) the arc formed so slow
And on the TV
Outside the ___________________________(7)
In my  ___________________________(8)

I've been ___________________________(9) out American dirt
All that ___________________________(10) can  ___________________________(11)

I wish I'd ___________________________(12) something with my life
Something safe, it's so ___________________________(13)
I move through ___________________________(14) like I were a knife
My eyes were blue, now they're ___________________________(15)
A silver cross on tan wet ___________________________(16)
I'm ___________________________(17) thinking I should climb in
Heather please
Heaven ___________________________(18) , I'm by a thread


You're on your side ___________________________(19) the wall
Our ___________________________(20) disappears between the streetlights
Come the ___________________________(21)
Come the ___________________________(22)
We volunteer


No More

Written and performed by Matthew Ryan, ©2007. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
Visit the artist's website at MySpace.

Správné odpovědi: 1) fault ; 2) shut ; 3) dream ; 4) black ; 5) fingers ; 6) brick ; 7) mall ; 8) defense / defence ; 9) spitting / spittin ; 10) money ; 11) buy ; 12) done ; 13) useless ; 14) days ; 15) bruises ; 16) skin ; 17) thirsty ; 18) knows ; 19) facing ; 20) room ; 21) pride ; 22) fall
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