Miscellaneous Upper-Intermediate Test 13

Vydáno dne 06.04.2009

Obecný test pro pokročilejší angličtináře.

  1. I needed a piece of text corrected and it was short enough that no one objected ________ a look.

    1. so as to take
    2. taking
    3. to take
    4. to taking
  2. When you go rock climbing, look ________ loose stones falling on your head.

    1. after
    2. out for
    3. out to
    4. up to
  3. Dozens of people witnessed a ________ object floating in the sky.

    1. glowing round huge
    2. huge glowing round
    3. huge round glowing
    4. round huge glowing
  4. People in the past believed that the Earth ________ flat.

    1. had been
    2. has been
    3. is
    4. was
  5. I just don't see the point ________ taking the meds because they just make me drowsy.

    1. for
    2. in
    3. of
    4. to
  6. The door ________ because something was stuck inside the key hole.

    1. hadn't to open
    2. wasn't opening
    3. wasn't to open
    4. wouldn't open
  7. Although he was doing well at school, he was ________ an outsider.

    1. better
    2. fairly
    3. more
    4. rather
  8. In the house ________ and he had no friends or family.

    1. an old man lived
    2. did an old man live
    3. did live an old man
    4. lived an old man
  9. Patrick, who was carrying the heaviest bag, suddenly stopped and said ________ enough.

    1. he had
    2. he'd had
    3. he's had
    4. was having
  10. Hollywood is ________ recognized as the world's leading producer of films.

    1. highly
    2. thoroughly
    3. very
    4. widely
  11. Both groups responded ________ to the treatment. The symptoms were gone within a few hours.

    1. evenly
    2. likely
    3. matchingly
    4. similarly
  12. After the wedding ceremony, we ________ everyone up for a group shot in front of the church.

    1. drew
    2. found
    3. rounded
    4. turned
  13. When she asked about the condition of her husband, they told her she ________ worry.

    1. didn't need
    2. need not
    3. needed not
    4. needn't to
  14. It is very important that you make your ________ for compensation as quickly as possible, no later than 21 days after the damage or loss.

    1. claim
    2. liability
    3. policy
    4. statement
  15. I still need something for my mom's birthday. – Don't worry, I ________ something on my way home.

    1. 've already bought
    2. 've been shopping for
    3. bought
    4. I've yet bought
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) b, 3) c, 4) d, 5) c, 6) d, 7) d, 8) d, 9) b, 10) d, 11) d, 12) c, 13) b, 14) a, 15) c
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