Test - přítomné časy

Vydáno dne 04.07.2009

Rozhodněte o použití přítomného prostého nebo přítomného průběhového času

1. Many children ___________________________(1) (wish) to have a pet at home.

2. Our teacher ___________________________(2) (prepare) a unit test every month.

3. Say what you want! He ___________________________(3) (not / listen) to you.

5 . ___________________________(4) (Tom and Liza play) volleybal now?

4. Lakes ___________________________(5) (freeze) in winter and people can enjoy skating.

6. I ___________________________(6) (meet) my boyfriend's parents on Tuesday.

7. The school year ___________________________(7) (not / start) in September in some countries.

8. The supermarket in our town ___________________________(8) (open) at 6.30 in the morning and many people like that.

9. Tom ___________________________(9) (think) that his sister made a bad decision.

10. Sorry, I cannot talk. I ___________________________(10) (cook) dinner.

Správné odpovědi: 1) wish ; 2) prepares ; 3) is not listening / isn't listening ; 4) Are Tom and Liza playing ; 5) freeze ; 6) am meeting / 'm meeting ; 7) doesn't start / does not start ; 8) opens ; 9) thinks ; 10) am cooking / 'm cooking
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