CPE: Use of English, part 1

Vydáno dne 13.08.2009

Cvičný test cambridgské zkoušky CPE, první část sekce USE OF ENGLISH: Cloze – doplňování chybějících výrazů do textu.

CPE, Use of English, part 1

For questions 1-15. read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

Food for a Future

Jon Wynne-Tyson was an original thinker whose best-known book ‚Food for a Future‘ was published in 1975, In this classic work, a case was ___________________________(1) forward for ___________________________(2) can only be described as a more responsible and humane attitude towards the world’s food resources. It had gradually ___________________________(3) clear to Wynne-Tyson that the economics and ecology of meat production did not ___________________________(4) sense. What justification was ___________________________(5) , he argued, for using seven tonnes of cereal to produce one tonne of meat?

Even today, the book's succinct style makes it compulsively readable. ___________________________(6) his approach is basically an emotional one, Wynne-Tyson goes to great lengths to back ___________________________(7) every statement with considerable supporting evidence and statistical data. Thus, even ___________________________(8) of us who are widely read ___________________________(9) the subject of vegetarianism will gain fresh insights from this book. It is generally agreed that his most skilful achievement is the slow revelation of his main thesis ___________________________(10) the arguments unfold. The book concludes that a move away from an animal-based diet to ___________________________(11) which is based on plant sources is inevitable in the long-term, in ___________________________(12) of the fact that there is no sound nutritional, medical or social justification for meat eating. ___________________________(13) of whether you agree with ___________________________(14) a conclusion or not, the book certainly makes ___________________________(15) fascinating read.

Správné odpovědi: 1) put ; 2) what ; 3) become ; 4) make ; 5) there ; 6) Although / Though ; 7) up ; 8) those ; 9) on ; 10) as ; 11) one ; 12) view ; 13) Regardless / Irrespective ; 14) such ; 15) a
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