Vydáno dne 25.10.2008
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English.
verb - to take air inside your body and let it out (through your nose and mouth into your lungs and out)
verb - to move something from one place to another, esp. by lifting it up at one place and putting it down at another
verb - to take something that has been moving into your hand
verb - to have power over, to manage or direct
noun - a stream, a flow (of water, electricity etc.)
noun - slow movement caused by a current of water or wind
verb - to use weapons or your own body to try to defeat somebody, usually in a violent way
verb - to stop fighting against something
verb - to go in the direction of
verb - to make somebody have strong feelings of admiration, to do or say something that has a strong effect on somebody
adjective - not able to be seen
adverb - not anymore
noun - a circle or an circular object
noun - a white substance that is used in cooking in order to preserve food or to improve the taste, it is present in the water of the seas and oceans
noun - the outer covering of the body
verb - to turn quickly round and round
noun - the flat top or outside part of something, e.g. of a table etc; the flat top of a body of water
noun - a drop of liquid that comes from your eyes when you are very sad and cry
noun - a raised surface of something, e.g. of the sea
noun - an injury, a place where somebody was hurt
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