Irregular Verbs: TEST (elementary 2)

Vydáno dne 27.10.2009

Otestujte si znalosti základních nepravidelných sloves v druhém testu úrovně ELEMENTARY.

Vyberte nejvhodnější sloveso a doplňte do každé věty jeho správný tvar:

  be run
  come say
  cost send
  cut take
  make think
  1. I ___________________________(1) very fast but couldn't catch her.
  2. When Jack ___________________________(2) home, his wife was cooking dinner.
  3. She ___________________________(3) something about going to Iceland on holiday.
  4. How much did you pay for that sweater? – It ___________________________(4) 20 pounds.
  5. I ___________________________(5) her a long letter to apologize.
  6. They ___________________________(6) very happy when they saw us at the airport.
  7. I had a headache so I ___________________________(7) an aspirin.
  8. Pete was hungry so his mum ___________________________(8) some sandwiches.
  9. Janet ___________________________(9) about it for a while, but didn't say anything.
  10. My mother ___________________________(10) the cake and put it on the table.
Správné odpovědi: 1) ran ; 2) came ; 3) said ; 4) cost ; 5) sent ; 6) were ; 7) took ; 8) made ; 9) thought ; 10) cut
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