BUSINESS extra: Summary Test B (01-05)

Vydáno dne 25.01.2010

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BUSINESS extra: Summary Test B (01–05)

Ke každé z pěti lekcí najdete pět vět. Vyberte nejvhodnější slovíčko.


1) If a company doesn't have enough money to pay its debts, it will declare bankruptcy, or simply ________________________________ (1) .
2) If you travel somewhere on a business trip, you can simply say that you are there ________________________________ (2) .
3) To choose someone for a position or a job, usually from within the company: ________________________________ (3) someone
4) The opposites of the adjectives ‚capable‘ and ‚efficient‘ are ________________________________ (4) .
5) If you have the qualities or ability needed to do something, you are capable ________________________________ (5)  it.


6) A company or a person that advertises a product or a service: ________________________________ (6)
7) A small advertisement that you put in a newspaper or on an Internet site, if you want to buy or sell something: ________________________________ (7)
8) A job that is available for someone to do: ________________________________ (8)
9) If someone doesn't have much experience, they are ________________________________ (9) .
10) To increase your experience = to ________________________________ (10) your experience.


11) If you want people to notice or think about something, you ________________________________ (11) their attention to that.
12) The department in a company that deals with employing and training: ________________________________ (12)
13) A person who is present at an event: ________________________________ (13)
14) A person who looks after or helps customers in a public place: ________________________________ (14)
15) To give something to someone or to make it available: to provide ________________________________ (15)


16) Someone who has an important job as a manager of a company: ________________________________ (16)
17) If something is not correct or suitable for a particular situation, it is ________________________________ (17) .
18) If you need someone to help you and want to be polite, you might want to say: ________________________________ (18)
19) If you want to show the results of your work to your colleagues, you will ________________________________ (19) .
20) To think again about something in order to change your opinion: ________________________________ (20)


21) Someone who receives something: ________________________________ (21)
22) To do something that needs to be planned and organized: ________________________________ (22)
23) Your first job interview might be followed by a ________________________________ (23) interview.
24) Another expression for a mobile phone is ________________________________ (24) .
25) A company that takes goods somewhere or arranges for them to be taken somewhere: ________________________________ (25)

    1. a) bankrupt
    2. b) become bankrupt
    3. c) get bankrupt
    4. d) go bankrupt
    1. a) for a business
    2. b) for business
    3. c) on a business
    4. d) on business
    1. a) to appoint
    2. b) to fire
    3. c) to hire
    4. d) to recruit
    1. a) incapable and inefficient
    2. b) incapable and unefficient
    3. c) uncapable and inefficient
    4. d) uncapable and unefficient
    1. a) of doing
    2. b) of to do
    3. c) to do
    4. d) to doing
    1. a) an advertise
    2. b) an advertisement
    3. c) an advertiser
    4. d) an advertising
    1. a) a classified ad
    2. b) a smaller ad
    3. c) a wanted ad
    4. d) an ad
    1. a) a vacancy
    2. b) a vacant
    3. c) an opened position
    4. d) an openning
    1. a) diesexperienced
    2. b) experienced
    3. c) inexperienced
    4. d) unexperienced
    1. a) broaden
    2. b) enlarge
    3. c) spread
    4. d) wide
    1. a) bring
    2. b) call on
    3. c) draw
    4. d) pull
    1. a) personal
    2. b) personel
    3. c) personnel
    4. d) recruiting
    1. a) an attend
    2. b) an attendant
    3. c) an attendee
    4. d) an attendist
    1. a) an attend
    2. b) an attendant
    3. c) an attendee
    4. d) an attender
    1. a) someone something
    2. b) someone to something
    3. c) someone with something
    4. d) something someone
    1. a) a chief
    2. b) an executer
    3. c) an executive
    4. d) an executor
    1. a) appropriate
    2. b) disappropriate
    3. c) inappropriate
    4. d) unappropriate
    1. a) Help would be appreciate.
    2. b) I would appreciate if you could help me.
    3. c) I would appreciate it if you could help me.
    4. d) Please help.
    1. a) issue them the results
    2. b) present them the results
    3. c) present them with the results
    4. d) show them with the results
    1. a) to consider
    2. b) to considerate
    3. c) to reconsider
    4. d) to reconsiderate
    1. a) a receiver
    2. b) a reciever
    3. c) a recipient
    4. d) an obtainer
    1. a) to care about something
    2. b) to carry something in
    3. c) to carry something out
    4. d) to take care about something
    1. a) follow-up
    2. b) following
    3. c) preliminary
    4. d) secondary
    1. a) a cellular phone
    2. b) a handy
    3. c) a mobil
    4. d) a sell phone
    1. a) a forward
    2. b) a freight forwarder
    3. c) a freighter
    4. d) a goods forwarder
Správné odpovědi: 1) go bankrupt , 2) on business , 3) to appoint , 4) incapable and inefficient , 5) of doing , 6) an advertiser , 7) a classified ad , 8) a vacancy , 9) inexperienced , 10) broaden , 11) draw , 12) personnel , 13) an attendee , 14) an attendant , 15) someone with something , 16) an executive , 17) inappropriate , 18) I would appreciate it if you could help me. , 19) present them with the results , 20) to reconsider , 21) a recipient , 22) to carry something out , 23) follow-up , 24) a cellular phone , 25) a freight forwarder
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