Vyhodnocení soutěže 'email English'

Vydáno dne 06.04.2010

Vyhlášení vítězů soutěže o učebnice ‚email English‘ vydavatelství Macmillan. Kromě jmen vítězů si můžete také přečíst tři nejlepší emaily.

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Vyhodnocení soutěže o učebnici


email English #############

V rámci našeho kurzu obchodní angličtiny jste mohli v březnu soutěžit o učebnici ‘email English’. Jak vše dopadlo?


Celkem se zúčastnilo 18 soutěžících. Není to závratné číslo, ale jsme si vědomi toho, že byli ve velké nevýhodě začátečníci a mírně pokročilí studenti, protože se vítězové nelosovali, ale pečlivě vybírali.


Úkolem soutěžících bylo odpovědět na emailovou stížnost z poslední lekce našeho seriálu Business English.

Nejlepší odpovědi zaslali tito soutěžící:

Vítězům gratulujeme !

Všichni tři získají učebnici email English, kterou do soutěže věnovalo nakladatelství Macmillan.cz. Recenzi této knihy naleznete zde.


Pokud se chcete podívat na vítězné odpovědi, čtěte níže.

Nejprve si pro připomenutí uvedeme původní stížnost:


Dear Mr Hanson,

We have been a client of yours for five years without any major problems.
We were, therefore, naturally very disappointed with the delivery we received from you this morning. I would like to draw your attention to the following problems we encountered.

Firstly, your freight forwarder delivered the crates to our office in Narrow Street despite our explicit instructions in the order to deliver the goods to our headquarters in Wide Street this time. I had called Ms White to make sure that you knew about the changes and I was assured that you had informed the driver as well.

Furthermore, when I checked the contents of the crates against the packing list, I discovered that two items were missing. I do realize that such mistakes can happen. I was shocked, however, to discover that a minimum of thirty supplied items had completely different specifications to those in our order.

I am aware that this sort of thing has never happened before, but I must point out that these discrepancies are causing us considerable inconvenience with our production line.

What is more, I have called your customer service department three times this morning, but there was only an answering machine. That is why I am informing you about this urgent matter by email and insist that you find an immediate solution.

I would also appreciate it if you could provide us with a credible explanation
as to how such a thing might have happened.

Unless you contact us today and rectify all the mistakes, we are prepared to terminate all our agreements as this is considered a serious breach of the contract.

Yours sincerely,

David Brown
Purchasing Manager

A nyní již tři nejlepší odpovědi.

Při hodnocení jsme se snažili zohlednit obsah, formu, ale i chyby a překlepy.

Zveřejňujeme je v původní neupravené (neopravené) podobě.



Dear Mr Brown,

Thank you very much for contacting us on 02/02/09.

I am very sorry to hear that you encountered so many problems with our latest delivery. We praise ourselves to be a company that delivers the best services at all times and we do realize that something like this should not happen. Please let me rectify all the mistakes and accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.

I looked into the whole case and dicovered that the delivery mistake was made only after updating the driver on the change of the delivery address. The driver was notified as confirmed by Ms White. However, due to a car accident that had happened previously on that day, we were forced to cover the delivery by a different driver and since I failed to save the changes in our database after having printed the instructions for the driver, later on, our new driver received only instructions with the original plan.

Regarding the missing and wrong items in your package, the mistake must have happened in the warehouse just before the crates were dispached. Due to flu epidemic we are extremely short of staff and it is rather difficult for our warehouse staff to cope with the high season rush. We are definitely going to learn from that, though. I have already prompted our HR manager to suggest a feasible solution, so that next time we are able to handle a situation like this without making such preventable mistakes.

On top of that, let me explain why you were not able to get hold of none of our customer service advisors today. Due to unexpected heavy snowfall, all the London bus services were cancelled this morning and there were severe delays on all major underground lines. For that reason we were unable to open our CS department before 11.30 am.

As a gesture of goodwill as well as a compensation for any inconvenience caused please accept a 20% discount voucher, which can be redeemed when you place your next bulk order with us.

Also, I have already arranged a prompt reshipment of all the goods you ordered to the right address for tomorrow morning. Our driver will arrive at your headquarters by 9am. I will also make sure that he will wait until you check all the goods. On that occasion, I asked him to take the wrong delivery away, too.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention.

I believe that our company will gain your trust in its services again. Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone, should you have any questions. My mobile phone number is 07919 522 907.

Your prompt answer to my email would be much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

John Hanson


Dear Mr Brown,

We realise full well, that we caused you serious problems and that our negligence to deliver the correct number of items with correct specifications resulted in further discrepancies. After I had consulted our CEO, we both agreed that you will be charged neither for the problematic shipment nor for a next potential order. Our company would appreciate your willingness to accept our sincere apology for the inconvenience.

My thorough investigation proved Mrs White's uninten­tional mistake, which she made because of her disorganised schedule and ability to deal with heavier loads of shipments quickly and effectively. Conclusive results of the investigation led to Mrs White's dismissal from work. The department will be from now on run by Mr Mason.

Mrs White was responsible for delivery service as well as for providing freight forwarder with necessary information in order to deliver goods to customers as quickly as possible.That is why the crates were delivered to your office in Narrow Street. We apologise again for such a failure.

The shipment contained items which were not meant to be sent to your headquarters but to another client of ours and the key reason for this was unfortunately once again found in a section of our delivery service department. I can assure you myself that this will not happen again. We hired a new employee for checking the contents against packing lists in order to have the contents double-checked.

Mr Wayne, the head of our customer service department, who was coincidentally on holiday at the time, had been temporarily replaced by a part-time worker Ms Lane. Ms Lane had come down with the flu and due to this unfortunate fact there was nobody to answer your urgent phone calls. However, I personally checked all of the messages recorded at one o'clock in the afternoon and yours was never found and thus could not have been taken care of.

You have always been a respected and vital costumer to our successful enterprise, therefore, we feel very sorry for such an irresponsible attitude of some of our former employees. We will do our best to prevent this incident from ever happening again.

Yours sincerely,

John Hanson


Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you for your e-mail, I understand the seriousness of this matter and will do my best to solve it as quickly as I can.

Firstly I would like to mention that you are our important customer and we appreciate our longterm cooperation. We do provide the best service in the branche and improve our service every day. Therefore let me please apologize for today´s incon­venience that will never occur again.

Secondly let me please explain the situation. As you know we received two purchase orders from you last month, one was to be delivered to your headquarters and the second to Narrow Street. I am sure that the one you expected in your headquarters was delivered a few hours ago without any problem. We gave special instruction to our driver thus I can assure you he was there as we agreed with all required and ordered items.
I believe there was just slight misunderstanding because the truck to Narrow Street arrived sooner than truck to your headquarters and it contained different items that the one going to your headquarters.

I would be pleased to meet with you and discuss the matter in further details personally as this is an urgent situation and I would like to clear it promptly.

Lastly please take my apologize for the customer service department. Something happened with our lines and we had to do necessary repairs, for this reasons you caught only answering maschine. At this time everything should be all right.

Thank you for your understanding, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

With best regards,

John Hanson

Ceny do soutěže věnovalo nakladatelství Macmillan, kterému bychom tímto chtěli za učebnice poděkovat.

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