Test: Podstatné jméno TIME 3

Vydáno dne 18.09.2010

Umíte používat podstatné jméno TIME správně?

  1. Once upon ________ time, in a kingdom far far away, there lived a king.

    1. ---
    2. a
    3. some
    4. the
  2. I've worked here for ________ time now so I think I should be the one to get promoted.

    1. ---
    2. a
    3. some
    4. the
  3. The Americans have their first black president. ________ changing, I guess.

    1. Some times are
    2. The time is
    3. The times are
    4. Time is
  4. Please keep an eye on your children ________ times.

    1. all the
    2. at all
    3. every
    4. the entire
  5. I think I'll try to find a job. – It's ________ time!

    1. a
    2. about
    3. the
    4. the highest
  6. ________ time. The paper isn't due until next week so there's no need to rush.

    1. Give yourself
    2. Spend the
    3. Take your
    4. Use your
  7. I have something to discuss with you. Is this ________ time?

    1. a bad
    2. a wrong
    3. bad
    4. wrong
  8. Ask just one question ________ and then listen to the answer.

    1. at a time
    2. at times
    3. in time
    4. on the time
  9. If you want to see them, you should do it soon. They're leaving in ________.

    1. a five day's time
    2. a five days' time
    3. a five-day time
    4. five days' time
  10. He may have gotten away with it before but ________ before he gets caught.

    1. it's next to no time
    2. it's only a matter of time
    3. only time will tell
    4. the time will come
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) c, 3) c, 4) b, 5) b, 6) c, 7) a, 8) a, 9) d, 10) b
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